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Rick Shaw Posts

That’s a wrap for my experiment in politics

I just dropped a note to the incumbent Trustee Harvey, congratulating her on her re-election. I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Incumbents are hard to beat. I wish her well, and the college much success, with the challenges it will be facing in the next few years.

Oaths and Odysseys is out

Book Two in the Genesis Renewed Saga went live July 22nd. Life doing what life does, coupled with about of COVID, and I’m way behind on posting and promoting. Early feedback is that book 2 provides a nice, page turning, follow on to Genesis Renewed. Book 2 picks up where Book 1 leaves off and finds Dave Sharp and his small community leveraging the remnants of their now lost civilization, and challenged by how to move forward. Looking for answers to several questions, the source of their immunity, what may remain of their lost government, and the mysterious loss in…

It’s Official – I’m running for the AVC Board

Last week I completed my filings. I am on the ballot for November 5, 2024’s election as a candidate for the Antelope Valley Community College District’s Board of Trustees – specifically Trustee Area 1. If you’re in the AV, or its surrounding communities and wonder who on the board represents your area, check out this interactive map. Trustee Area 1 is the big pink one that spans the southern portion of the district, from one county line to another. I’m not going to leave a manifesto here, but just a couple of thoughts driving my interest to continue to serve…

A brief update

This week brings my annual pilgrimage to Santa Barbara and the community of writers that started me down this path. The Santa Barbara Writers Conference comes together to work on craft and, increasingly, the business of writing. I’m honored to have been asked to contribute to several panels this week. If you are in the area, please come down to the Mar Monte on East Beach and join us in a bit of exploration. One day tickets are available.

You Read It Here First

Last June, I was asked by the organizers of the Santa Barbara Writers Conference to set up a Q&A opportunity for folks with questions about the Indy Publishing world. I met with a couple of dozen folks. Questions ranged from the very intro, what is Indy Publishing, to how does it differ from traditional, to some very nuts and bolts questions on software and platform building. It was a blast. They got enough positive feedback, and continued interest, that I’ve been asked to come back again this year to do the same. So I’ll have a table in the main…

Reflections in gratitude for this amazing year.

My first full year of semi-retirement, and so many people to thank for the successes of this first year. It all started with attending the 20BooksVegas conference in November. That’s not really accurate; we can call 20BooksVegas the catalyst. The energy of 20BooksVegas and the generosity of this new network of amazing writers/people were enough to push me over the edge. I hit publish, not once, but twice in 2023, publishing novels in June and September through my imprint 2FBooks.   So, to Craig Martelle and the 20Books community, thank you for the nudge over the top. Two books this…

Oops, I did it again! I hit publish for a second time.

Not really an oops. I was planning to announce this after the start of October, but Amazon was more efficient than expected and Genesis Renewed: Book 1 in the Genesis Renewed Saga went live this morning. Genesis Renewed is the first of what I anticipate being a five or six-book series, focused on a community of survivors after the global dispersal of a celestial pathogen. Mankind is near extinction, and Dave Sharp is thrust into the role of protector. Initially protecting what remains of his family, then finding others and protecting them from the evil that has survived. Genesis Renewed…

Check out my Substack – UPDATED

Update 6 January 2024 – I’ve decided to terminate my account with Substack due to their support of hate speech. It’s their business, they can keep whatever content / customers they wish, and I will exercise my right to not pass my traffic/readers through their site. Folks who were signed up to my newsletter have been ported to my new setup – I’ll be hosting it myself. My target is one newsletter a month with updates on my writing, things I find cool, and new picts of the Shaw Shack Hooligans. Thank you all for your support. Hey folks, I’ve…

What a flipping treat!!!

A couple of weeks back, I was asked to participate in a panel on the future of art and artificial intelligence. J Daniel Sawyer, Joe Vasicek, and little old me, along with the host JR Handley. To borrow from JR’s intro… “We wandered all around the topic before we reached the final destination. We ended at a solid MEH as our group opinion while clutching our pearls and telling everyone that the sky was falling!” Please check it out, I think you’ll find it as interesting as we did. Blasters and Blades Episode 279

Blades and Blasters….

Blades and Blasters is three Vets sitting around hashing through reading, writing, and pop culture – in this case, two vets. A week or so ago, I had the pleasure of sitting in with JR Handley (one of the three), for a chat about my book (The Tunguska Deception) and writing in general. As it turns out, a whole lot of other things. JR and I share a similar academic background, personal interest in history, and being veterans and avid science fiction readers. We seemed like we kept sweeping back around to alternate history and the definition of spec fiction.…