To borrow a phrase – Oh My!
I am in Santa Barbara this week. Renewing old friendships at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference. It is the 50th Anniversary of the conference, and a renewal after four years post pandemic.
There’s a comfort in being among your tribe. So many faces I’ve only seen in Brady Bunch squares, or on Facebook, for far too long.
If you saw my previous post, you know my first novel, The Tunguska Deception was published by 2FBooks earlier this month, and I’m now discovering the law of unanticipated consequences. Friends I haven’t seen for four years are wandering up with a copy of the book and asking for me to autograph. Autographs are asked of the famous, I’m just a formerly closeted novelist and retired professional geek.
I am, and will forever be grateful. It has been a humbling experience.