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Month: June 2023

Interview with Marla Miller: Hooking Readers

I had the pleasure to spend a little time with Marla Miller discussing my experience with personal imprint publishing. Conversation ranged through my academic background, the origins of my first novel The Tunguska Deception, and my experience with the indie publishing world. Thank you Marla. Great Conversation Folks, Give it a listen.

More Firsts

To borrow a phrase – Oh My! I am in Santa Barbara this week. Renewing old friendships at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference. It is the 50th Anniversary of the conference, and a renewal after four years post pandemic. There’s a comfort in being among your tribe. So many faces I’ve only seen in Brady Bunch squares, or on Facebook, for far too long. If you saw my previous post, you know my first novel, The Tunguska Deception was published by 2FBooks earlier this month, and I’m now discovering the law of unanticipated consequences. Friends I haven’t seen for four…

Hit Publish

I did a thing that I’ve been working toward, despite a few life interruptions, since 2005. My first novel, The Tunguska Deception, is available on Amazon in both print and kindle versions. And I’m at a loss for words. There are four other novels, in various states, sitting in folders, unfinished. You learn from each effort. A couple of them may find their way back to life. All will need a page one rewrite. I want to thank my writers group for their support all these years, friends and family as well, and Bonnie and her daughter who connected dots…